An analysis of the runtime of quicksort
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if hi <= lo then
return A
pIndex <- random(index of A)
loc <- partition(A, lo, hi, pIndex)
QS(A, lo, loc-1)
QS(A, loc+1, hi)
Partition(A, lo, hi, pIndex)
pivot <- A[pIndex]
swap(A, hi, pIndex)
left <- low
right <- hi-1
while left <= right do
if A[left] <= pivot then
swap(A, left, right)
Swap(A, a, b) //trivial function, swap values at indices a and b in the array
This is the algorithm for quicksort, a sorting algorithm often considered the gold standard, especially for primitive types. It runs in $O(nlog(n))$ time. There does exist a lower bound proof that proves that any comparison based sort cannot be done in less than $O(nlog(n))$ time.
Technically, the running time of this algorithm is $O(n^2)$. However, in practice, this is very unlikely.
The way this algorithm approaches the sorting problem as such. Take some element $k$ in the array(called the pivot). Clearly, there will be $a$ items that are less than it(and appear before it in the array), and $b$ items that are greater than it(and appear after it). This means $a+b+1=len(A)$ Because of this, we can essentially begin by doing two things:
- Putting k at its respective index in position $a+1$
- Swapping elements in the first $a$ elements and the last $b$ elements such that the first $a$ elements are all less than k, and the last $b$ elements are greater than k
With this done, you ran run quicksort recursively on the first $a$ elements and the second $b$ elements.
Note that we select the pivot randomly. Originally, this pivot was selected simply as the middle element. However, in practice, there are a lot of elements that can make strong pivots. Therefore, it would do us better to select a random pivot, as it will reduce the runtime in expectation.
Runtime Proof
Given any array of size n, in expectation, the # of comparisons in Quicksort will be $\leq 2nln(n)+O(n) = \Theta(nlg(n))$
Proof: Let $y_{1}, y_{2},…y_{n}$ be the n elements of A in sorted order. Let us define some random variables.
- $X$: Denotes the total number of comparisons
- $Y$: Denotes the number of times $y_i$ and $y_j$ are compared
- $X_{i, j}^k$: Indicator that is 1 if $y_i$ and $y_j$ are compared in the kth call to partition
Let’s make some observations based on the structure of our algorithm:
- All comparisons are done in Partition
- There are n-1 calls to partition(every time partition is called, the number of elements not set decreases by 1)
- For two elements to be compared, one of them must be the pivot
Now, to begin from the bottom, we see by LOE: $$ \Sigma_{k=1}^{n-1}X_{i, j}^k = X_{i, j}^k $$ Since the left is an indicator variable, this can be further simplified. $$ X_{i, j}^k=\Sigma_{k=1}^{n-1}Pr[X_{i,j}^k=1] $$ Now, let $t$ be the first call to partition where one of the elements between $y_i$ and $y_j$ are chosen as the pivot.
- $X_{i, j}^k=0, k<t$
- This is because neither $y_i$ and $y_j$ have been picked as the pivot, so they won’t be compared. They may be compared in the future, but in the kth call to partition, they will not be compared because none of the elements from indices $i$ to $j$ have been selected, which clearly implies neither $y_i$ and $y_j$ have been picked as the pivot.
- $X_{i, j}^t=1$, if $y_i$ or $y_j$ are chosen as the pivot
- Notice that the probability case for this is when $y_i$ or $y_j$ are selected as the pivot given that an element between indices $i$ through $j$ has been selected
- $X_{i, j}^k=0, k>t$
- These will never be compared because, since the last two cases aren’t true, it is implied that they will be separated into two distinct lists, because the pivot lies between them, because we assumed the array is already sorted
We can now perform expected value calculations.
$$ E[X] = \Sigma^{n-1}_{i=1} \Sigma^n_{j=1}E[X_{i, j}] $$
Looking at the casework from before, we see the only way $y_i$ and $y_j$ are compared is that if one of them is chosen as the pivot. Since the pivot is chosen randomly between $i$ and $j$, we get an probability and expected value of $\frac{2}{j-i+1}$
$$ E[X] = \Sigma^{n-1}_{i=1}\Sigma^{n}_{j=1}\frac{2}{j-i+1} $$
If we further simplify this, using the harmonic function and some algebra, we get a final expected relational recurrence of $T(n) = 2(n+1)ln(n)+2c(n+1)-4n$, which by dominating terms, results in a runtime bound of $\Theta(nlogn)$.